Category Archives: software

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Okay, remember that screen saver that helped decode transmissions from space? And then, there was the screen saver that helped fold proteins? Well, now, there’s a GAME that helps you solve the protein folding problems: Solve Puzzles for Science | … Continue reading

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The amazing story of one video artist, Andrew Benson, going from proof-of-concept to full-scale LED screen glory on the mainstage of Coachella in 10 days! Oh, btw, he used Jitter, the Max/MSP-affiliated video toolkit. Cycling ’74 || Jitter on the … Continue reading

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Twerk shows off a couple of his tools of the trade: Mooquencer and Greyquencer. An example of what they do: Twerk – Have 10, Need 20. MaxMSP users, download the original filez: Download Where it all begins with MaxMSP. AudibleOddities … Continue reading

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